Outline of RangeStream data structure

A RangeStream is initialised by providing:

  • a URL (the file to be streamed)

  • a client (e.g. httpx.Client)

  • (optionally) a range, as either:

    • ranges.Range from the python-ranges package [recommended]

    • or a tuple of integers, presumed to be a half-open interval inclusive of start/exclusive of stop as is common practice in Python — [start, stop) in interval notation

Since every range request returns the total content length, the RangeStream will become capable of seeking to negative-valued ranges (whose positions are in respect to the end) after fulfilling its first range request.

If no range is provided upon initialisation then the range defaults to [0,0), the empty range, and a request will be sent to the server for this (valid) range, whose only result will be to set the total file length on the _length attribute of RangeStream (accessed through the total_bytes property).

Once a request is made for a non-empty range, the RangeStream acquires the first entry in the RangeDict stored on the ._ranges attribute. When using the ranges, you should access the ranges property (instead of the internal _ranges attribute), which takes into account whether the bytes in each range’s RangeResponse are exhausted or removed due to overlap with another range. See the design docs for further details.


  • Adapted from tests/range_stream_core_test.py (source)

from range_streams import RangeStream, _EXAMPLE_URL

stream = RangeStream(url=_EXAMPLE_URL)
stream.add(byte_range=(0,3)) # or pass ranges.Range(0,3)


  RangeSet{Range[0, 3)}: RangeResponse ⠶ [0, 3) @ 'example_text_file.txt' from raw.githubusercontent.com

Further ranges are requested by simply calling RangeStream.add with another Range object. You can also provide a byte range to the add method as a tuple of two integers, which will be interpreted per the usual convention for ranges in Python, as a [a,b) half-open interval.


  RangeSet{Range[0, 3)}: RangeResponse ⠶ [0, 3) @ 'example_text_file.txt' from raw.githubusercontent.com,
  RangeSet{Range[7, 9)}: RangeResponse ⠶ [7, 9) @ 'example_text_file.txt' from raw.githubusercontent.com