Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import struct

from ranges import Range

from import RangeStream
from .data import COMPRESSIONS, TarData

__all__ = ["TarStream", "TarredFileInfo"]

[docs]class TarStream(RangeStream): """ As for :class:``, but if ``scan_headers`` is ``True``, then immediately call :meth:`~range_streams.codecs.tar.TarStream.check_header_recs` on initialisation (which will perform the necessary of range request to identify the files in the tar from the header record), setting :attr:`~range_streams.codecs.tar.TarStream.tarred_files`, and :meth:`` their file content ranges to the stream. Setting this can be postponed until first access of the :attr:`filename_list` property (this will not :meth:`` them to the :class:`~range_streams.codecs.tar.TarStream`). Once parsed, the file contents are stored as a list of :class:`` objects (in the order they appear in the header record) in the :attr:`tarred_files` attribute. Each of these objects has a :meth:`` method which gives the range of its file content bytes within the :class:`~range_streams.codecs.tar.TarStream`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, client=None, byte_range: Range | tuple[int, int] = Range("[0, 0)"), pruning_level: int = 0, scan_headers: bool = True, single_request: bool = False, force_async: bool = False, chunk_size: int | None = None, raise_response: bool = True, ): """ Set up a stream for the ZIP archive at ``url``, with either an initial range to be requested (HTTP partial content request), or if left as the empty range (default: ``Range(0,0)``) a HEAD request will be sent instead, so as to set the total size of the target file on the :attr:`` property. By default (if ``client`` is left as ``None``) a fresh :class:`httpx.Client` will be created for each stream. The ``byte_range`` can be specified as either a :class:`~ranges.Range` object, or 2-tuple of integers (``(start, end)``), interpreted either way as a half-closed interval ``[start, end)``, as given by Python's built-in :class:`range`. The ``pruning_level`` controls the policy for overlap handling (``0`` will resize overlapped ranges, ``1`` will delete overlapped ranges, and ``2`` will raise an error when a new range is added which overlaps a pre-existing range). If ``single_request`` is ``True`` (default: ``False``), then the behaviour when an empty ``byte_range`` is passed instead becomes to send a standard streaming GET request (not a partial content request at all), and instead the class will then facilitate an interface that 'simulates' these calls, i.e. as if each time :meth:`` was used the range requests were being returned instantly (as everything needed was already obtained on the first request at initialisation). More performant when reading a stream linearly. - See docs for the :meth:`` method for further details. Args: url : (:class:`str`) The URL of the file to be streamed client : (:class:`httpx.Client` | ``None``) The HTTPX client to use for HTTP requests byte_range : (:class:`~ranges.Range` | ``tuple[int,int]``) The range of positions on the file to be requested pruning_level : (:class:`int`) Either ``0`` ('replant'), ``1`` ('burn'), or ``2`` ('strict') scan_headers : (:class:`bool`) Whether to scan the archive headers upon initialisation and add the archive's file ranges single_request : (:class:`bool`) Whether to use a single GET request and just add 'windows' onto this rather than create multiple partial content requests. force_async : (:class:`bool` | ``None``) Whether to require the client to be ``httpx.AsyncClient``, and if no client is given, to create one on initialisation. (Experimental/WIP) chunk_size : (:class:`int` | ``None``) The chunk size used for the ``httpx.Response.iter_raw`` response byte iterators raise_response : (:class:`bool`) Whether to raise HTTP status code exceptions """ super().__init__( url=url, client=client, byte_range=byte_range, pruning_level=pruning_level, single_request=single_request, force_async=force_async, chunk_size=chunk_size, raise_response=raise_response, ) = TarData() if scan_headers: self.check_header_recs() self.add_file_ranges()
[docs] def check_header_recs(self): """ Scan through all header records in the file, building a list of :class:`` objects describing the files described by the headers (but do not download those corresponding archived file ranges). For efficiency, only look at the particular fields of interest, not the entire header each time. """ self.tarred_files: list[TarredFileInfo] = [] scan_tell = 0 assert self.total_bytes is not None while scan_tell < (self.total_bytes - try: file_name = self.read_file_name(start_pos_offset=scan_tell) except StopIteration: # Expected if a tarball has more than 2 end-of-file padding records break file_size = self.read_file_size(start_pos_offset=scan_tell) pad_size = pad_remainder = file_size % pad_size file_padding = (pad_size - pad_remainder) if pad_remainder else 0 file_end_offset = pad_size + file_size + file_padding tf_info = TarredFileInfo( size=file_size, padded_size=file_end_offset, filename_length=len(file_name), header_offset=scan_tell, filename=file_name, ) self.tarred_files.append(tf_info) scan_tell += ( file_end_offset # increment to move the cursor to the next file )
[docs] def read_file_name(self, start_pos_offset: int = 0) -> str: """ Return the file name by reading the file name for the header block starting at ``start_pos_offset`` (which for the first file will be ``0``, the default). Tar archives end with at least two empty blocks (i.e. 1024 bytes of padding), but there may be more than that. To catch this possibility, this method will raise a :class`StopIteration` error if the file name if NULL (i.e. if what was expected to be a file name is actually padding). """ file_name_rng_start = start_pos_offset + file_name_rng_end = file_name_rng_start + file_name_rng = Range(file_name_rng_start, file_name_rng_end) if self.client_is_async: self.add_async(file_name_rng) else: self.add(file_name_rng) file_name_b ="\x00") if file_name_b == b"": raise StopIteration("Expected file name, got padding bytes") return file_name_b.decode("ascii")
[docs] def read_file_size(self, start_pos_offset: int = 0) -> int: """ Parse the file size field of the archived file whose header record begins at ``start_pos_offset``. """ file_size_rng_start = start_pos_offset + file_size_rng_end = file_size_rng_start + file_size_rng = Range(file_size_rng_start, file_size_rng_end) if self.client_is_async: self.add_async(file_size_rng) else: self.add(file_size_rng) file_size_b = try: file_size = int(file_size_b, 8) # convert octal number from bitstring except ValueError: file_size = int(file_size_b.rstrip(b"\x00"), 8) # may be null-terminated return file_size
[docs] def add_file_ranges(self): for tf_info in self.tarred_files: assert tf_info.filename is not None if self.client_is_async: self.add_async(tf_info.file_range, name=tf_info.filename) else: self.add(tf_info.file_range, name=tf_info.filename)
@property def filename_list(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the names of files stored in :attr:`~range_streams.codecs.tar.TarStream.tarred_files`. """ if not hasattr(self, "tarred_files"): # pragma: no cover self.check_header_recs() return [f.filename for f in self.tarred_files if f.filename is not None]
class HeaderInfo: """ Not used, may be useful if extending the class. Note USTAR format variant. """ _H_FILENAME = 0 _H_FILE_MODE = 1 _H_OWNER_UID = 2 _H_GROUP_UID = 3 _H_FILE_SIZE = 4 _H_MTIME = 5 _H_CHECKSUM = 6 _H_LINK_INDICATOR = 7 _H_LINKED_NAME = 8 class TarredFileInfo(HeaderInfo): """ A class describing a zipped file according to the struct defining its metadata. Only a subset of all the fields are supported here (those useful for identifying and extracting the file contents from a stream). """ def __init__( self, size: int, # ignoring header and trailing padding padded_size: bytes | int, # including both header and trailing padding filename_length: bytes | int, header_offset: int, filename: str | None, ): self.size = size self.padded_size = padded_size self.filename_length = filename_length self.header_offset = header_offset self.filename = filename def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f" '{self.filename if self.filename is not None else ''}'" f" @ {self.header_offset!r}: {self.size!r}B" ) @property def file_range(self): start = self.header_offset end = start + self.size return Range(start, end)