Source code for range_streams.request

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AsyncIterator, Iterator

MYPY = False  # when using mypy will be overrided as True
if MYPY or not TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import httpx  # avoid importing to Sphinx type checker

from ranges import Range

from .http_utils import PartialContentStatusError, detect_header_value, range_header
from .range_utils import range_len

__all__ = ["RangeRequest"]

[docs]class RangeRequest: """ Store a GET request and the response stream while keeping a reference to the client that spawned it, providing an overridable :attr:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse._iterator` attribute [by default giving access to :meth:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse.iter_raw`] on the underlying ``httpx.Response``, suitable for :class:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse` to wrap in a :class:`io.BytesIO` buffered stream. For async clients, :attr:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse._aiterator` is set instead [giving access to :meth:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse.aiter_raw`] on the """ def __init__( self, byte_range: Range, url: str, client, GET_got: tuple | None = None, window_on_range: Range = Range(0, 0), chunk_size: int | None = None, ): """ Make a new partial content request, or simulate one from a provided (completed) streaming GET request. The latter option should be used carefully to achieve improved performance from this library (in particular where read operations on the stream are expected to be linear, without large gaps between cursor positions which must be loaded prior to subsequent read operations). Args: byte_range : The :class:`~ranges.Range` to request. url : The URL to be requested. client : The client to use for the request GET_got : A 2-tuple of the already-executed ``httpx.Request`` and the received ``httpx.Response``, or ``None`` (the default). If provided, the ``byte_range`` is not requested but instead is the range that was already requested, and the ``url`` is the requested URL. window_on_range : If a non-empty range is passed, this is taken as the stream this request is a window onto (indicating this is a simulated request). Any read operations will be restricted to this range of positions (as the underlying stream being 'windowed' is a larger one). chunk_size : The chunk size to the ``httpx.Response.iter_raw`` iterator (or ``httpx.Response.aiter_raw`` if using an async client) """ self.range = byte_range self.url = url self.client = client self.check_client() # Allow a RangeRequest to be made from a pre-existing streamed GET request self.is_simulated = GET_got is not None self.window_on_range = window_on_range self.is_windowed = not window_on_range.isempty() self.chunk_size = chunk_size if self.is_simulated: assert GET_got is not None # give mypy a clue # "Simulating" a partial range request with pre-provided GET req. + response self.request, self.response = GET_got self._check_resp_req() # Sphinx typing workaround # This shouldn't need to be accessed but set it to be thorough self.content_range = f"{self.range_header}/{range_len(byte_range)}" if isinstance(self.client, httpx.AsyncClient): # Note: _aiter_raw is 'stored' uncalled as cannot await here (not async) # The Callable becomes a Coroutine once `await_aiterator` called self._aiterator_preinit = None if self.is_windowed else self.aiter_raw else: self._iterator = None if self.is_windowed else self.iter_raw() else: # Make and send a partial range request self.setup_stream() self.content_range = self.content_range_header() if self.client_is_async: # Note: _aiter_raw is 'stored' uncalled as cannot await here (not async) self._aiterator_preinit = self.aiter_raw else: self._iterator = self.iter_raw()
[docs] async def await_aiterator(self) -> None: """ Initialise the async iterator on the :attr:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse._aiterator` attribute from the stored function which when called returns the ``typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]``. """ assert self._aiterator_preinit is not None self._aiterator = await self._aiterator_preinit()
@property def client_is_async(self): return isinstance(self.client, httpx.AsyncClient) @property def aiterator_initialised(self): return self.client_is_async and hasattr(self, "_aiterator")
[docs] @classmethod def windowed_request( cls, byte_range: Range, range_request: RangeRequest, tail_mark: int, chunk_size: int | None, ) -> RangeRequest: """ Reuse the stream from an existing streaming request rather to create a new 'windowed' RangeRequest from an existing RangeRequest, but change the byte range to be used on it. If the existing RangeRequest (``range_request``) is anything other than a stream of the full file range, then relative ranges will need to be calculated. This constructor was written on the assumption of a full file range. Args: byte_range : The :class:`~ranges.Range` provided by this request. on_request : The sent ``httpx.Request`` tail_mark : The :attr:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse.tail_mark` to trim the ``byte_range`` (if any). Passed separately chunk_size : The chunk size to the ``httpx.Response.iter_raw`` iterator (or ``httpx.Response.aiter_raw`` if using an async client) """ window_range = Range(byte_range.start, byte_range.end - tail_mark) # Build the request that this object pretends to have sent request_headers = range_header(window_range) unsent_request = range_request.client.build_request( method="GET", url=range_request.url, headers=request_headers, ) content_byte_range = request_headers["range"].replace("=", " ") total_content_length = range_request.total_content_length window_on_range = range_request.range window_len = range_len(window_range) windowed_response = range_request.response windowed_range_request = cls( byte_range=window_range, url=range_request.url, client=range_request.client, GET_got=(unsent_request, windowed_response), window_on_range=window_on_range, # Keep a reference to the underlying range ) # Calling ``response.iter_raw()`` again raises ``httpx.StreamConsumed`` error # so simply overwrite after initialisation with existing RangeRequest iterator if range_request.client_is_async: if not range_request.aiterator_initialised: msg = "aiterator is not initialised" msg += ": `await_aiterator` after instantiating an async RangeRequest" raise ValueError(msg) windowed_range_request._aiterator = range_request._aiterator else: windowed_range_request._iterator = range_request._iterator return windowed_range_request
[docs] @classmethod def from_get_stream( cls, byte_range: Range, client, req, resp, chunk_size: int | None = None ) -> RangeRequest: """ Avoid making a new partial content request, instead interpret a streaming GET request as one when provided along with a ``byte_range``. Does not call :meth:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.raise_for_non_partial_content` as is done after setting the :attr:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.request` and :attr:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.response` in :meth:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.setup_stream`. Note: ``req`` and ``resp`` are type checked 'manually' at init (not via type hints) due to Sphinx type hints bug with the ``httpx`` library. Args: byte_range : The :class:`~ranges.Range` provided by this request. req : The sent ``httpx.Request`` resp : The received ``httpx.Response`` chunk_size : The size of chunks to read the response into the buffer with """ range_request = cls( byte_range=byte_range, url=str(req.url), client=client, GET_got=(req, resp), chunk_size=chunk_size, ) return range_request
@property def range_header(self): return range_header(self.range)
[docs] def setup_stream(self) -> None: """ ``"GET", url)`` but leave the stream to be manually closed rather than using a context manager """ self.request = self.client.build_request( method="GET", url=self.url, headers=self.range_header ) self.response = self.client.send(request=self.request, stream=True) self.raise_for_non_partial_content()
[docs] def raise_for_non_partial_content(self): """ Raise the :class:`~range_streams.http_utils.PartialContentStatusError` if the response status code is anything other than 206 (Partial Content), as that is what was requested. """ if self.response.status_code != 206: raise PartialContentStatusError( request=self.request, response=self.response )
[docs] def content_range_header(self) -> str: """ Validate request was range request by presence of ``content-range`` header """ return detect_header_value(headers=self.response.headers, key="content-range")
@property def total_content_length(self) -> int: """ Obtain the total content length from the ``content-range`` header of a partial content HTTP GET request. This method is not used for the HTTP HEAD request sent when a :class:`` is initialised with an empty :class:`~ranges.Range` (since that is not a partial content request it returns a ``content-length`` header which can be read as an integer directly). """ return int(self.content_range.split("/")[-1])
[docs] def iter_raw(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: """ Wrap the :meth:`iter_raw` method of the underlying :class:`httpx.Response` object within the :class:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse` in :attr:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.response`. """ return self.response.iter_raw(chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
[docs] async def aiter_raw(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]: """ Wrap the :meth:`iter_raw` method of the underlying :class:`httpx.Response` object within the :class:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse` in :attr:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.response`. """ return self.response.aiter_raw(chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close the :attr:`~range_streams.request.RangeRequest.response` :class:`~range_streams.response.RangeResponse`. """ if not self.response.is_closed: self.response.close()
def _check_resp_req(self): """ Type checking workaround (Sphinx type hint extension does not like httpx so check the type manually with a method called at initialisation). """ if not isinstance(self.request, httpx.Request): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("Only HTTPX responses currently supported") if not isinstance(self.response, httpx.Response): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("Only HTTPX responses currently supported")
[docs] def check_client(self): """ Type checking workaround (Sphinx type hint extension does not like httpx so check the type manually with a method called at initialisation). """ if not any( isinstance(self.client, c) for c in (httpx.Client, httpx.AsyncClient) ): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("Only HTTPX clients currently supported")